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What People Are Saying

Gresham Middle School Foundation Grant Recipients:

Jenny Grosche

6th Grade Science Teacher

“I am very grateful to the Fountain City community for coming together to sponsor the new Gresham Middle School Foundation’s vision of academic excellence.  Receiving funding for this particular project inspired me to seek additional funds to increase the use of technology within my classroom.  I was able to receive two additional iPad Minis through  My classroom is now equipped with 5 iPad Minis and an additional computer.  This new technology has allowed me to stretch my students’ learning , while providing them the opportunity to research and create multi-media presentations about content related to our science curriculum.”

Michele Reeves

Chorus Teacher

The iPad, Apple TV,  and big screen TV have enriched the learning experience of my students.    The technology allows us to record our singing  and see and hear immediately what we need to focus on.  I also look forward to using the iPad when our class moves into the auditorium.   The students will be able to have our music with them or watch examples of professionals in action while in the auditorium.  Thank you very much for fulfilling the grant request of the Chorus Program.  The students and I are very excited about the potential that is now possible for our program.    I know that the Foundation has worked very hard to make these requests possible for Gresham teachers.   Thank you for your dedication to a great school!”

Cricket Prentiss

Keyboarding Teacher

“Being able to use Typing Club is imperative to my classroom and my students.  It allows them to see instant feedback on their work and it allows me to monitor their progress.  I am so thankful to have this program to use with my students  I am very grateful that we were awarded the money to use for this program.  Thank you!

Kristi Letsinger

7th Grade Social Studies Teacher

“The students have been able to use relevant and current events throughout our study of world history.  Many of the articles use past history and tie a current event in with it.  It has been beneficial to my students to understand that much of history is relevant to the present.   Thank you for funding this grant.  The magazines are, and will continue to be, an important part of the classroom and of the students’ learning.”

Carole Romeiser

Gresham Librarian

“Funds provided by the Gresham Middle School Foundation have impacted learning in a big way!  Thank you for your wonderful contributions to the academic success of the students at Gresham!  We can do more than ever before because of your help.”

Kim Egan

8th Grade Math Teacher

“The students compete monthly against peers across the country. The tests are completed individually. In the three contests completed thus far, GMS students have been in the top 50% of the 15,000+ participants who have correctly answered the questions.  A Foundation investment in Math Olympiad for the future will not be as costly as we purchased our supply of tutorial texts in this start-up year.”

James Paschal, Kristi Letsinger, Jennifer Bayola & Amelia Brown

Gresham Team 7A

“Having a classroom set of iPads to use by our team has been an invaluable resource. Students have access to iPads and thus the internet and online tools such as BrainPop, AR, and Kahn Academy (just to name a few) EVERY DAY. We have seen an increase in AR/Challenge 30 participation as students have easy access to take AR tests.  We have been able to complete multiple research projects in multiple classes so far this year – prior to having the iPads we were not able to do research projects, or were lucky to be able to do one a year. We have successfully received enough iTunes gift cards donated by parents to purchase several educational apps and games which students enjoy. We have had several students then download and purchase the apps for themselves on their personal devices after being introduced to them in our classes. As a team, we work together to make sure students have maximum access to the iPads. Many days we split them up between our classrooms, so that every class has a few iPads for student use, which can be quite helpful for small group instruction as well as catching students up who have been absent. When one of us would like the entire set of iPads for an entire class lesson we simply communicate this to our team and use the entire set in a class to one time to complete a project, lesson, activity, research, or educational games. We have also used them in after-school clubs!


Joseph Jordan

Band Director​

“ Ensuring the safety and well-being of our students by replacing our 40-year-old chairs with chairs specifically designed for musicians to enhance their performance, by encouraging good posture with a professional look, more efficient storage capabilities, and durable construction. These chairs not only look nice, but can be accessible to other faculty and assemblies in order to enhance the posture and look of those utilizing them!  Many Thanks to the Gresham Middle School Foundation for all they do to improve the education and livelihood of our children at the school!”